Recent News

TAB Stories

Visit the new Stories page on our website to get a more in-depth look at some our customer's and staff's achievements.

If you have achieved something with the help of Take a Break Warwickshire (however big or small) and you'd like to share it, then please get in touch with Hannah Fathers.

TABLO Drama Group - Treasure Island

In July 2016, TABLO Drama Group and Choir took to the stage once more at The Abbey Theatre in Nuneaton to give two performance of Treasure Island to sold-out audiences! Watch the video to get a flavour of their wonderful and exciting performances.

Cerebra 1,000 Families Study

A message from The Cerebra Family research Group:

Mothers, fathers, caregivers of children with a learning disability, this is your opportunity to inform research and policy for coming decades!

New study launched for parents with children under the age of 19 - Take part!

Last week, Dods Research launched a new study exploring the problems faced by parents in receipt of any government benefits for their child.

Dods Research are interested in speaking to parents with children under the age of 19. The survey should take less than five minutes to complete, and all responses are anonymous. The survey is still relevant for parents who are no longer in receipt of payments, but have done so previously. 

New Adult's Day Service launching in Rugby

Introducing the new Rugby TABLO!

Download the Rugby TABLO timetable here.

Adult's Service TABLO Sunday Day Trips Planner

The Adult's Service TABLO Sunday Day Trips Planner for Jun 2016 - May 2017 is now available to download.

What do you think of Kingsbury Water Park?

Consultants are currently working with Kingsbury Water Park to gather information about the impact of HS2 on the environment and on the people who use the park. 

Nuneaton & Bedworth Leisure Trust - Disability Family Fun Day

The next Nuneaton & Bedworth Leisure Trust Disability Family Fun Day will be on Saturday 23 July 2016 from 10am until 12pm at The Academy Sports Centre.

You can download the information below.

SEND Voice Newsletter - Issue 3

The latest SEND Voice newsletter is out now!

You can follow the link to download the newsletter.

Children's Services Group Activities - April 2016 to March 2017

The new planner for April 2016 to March 2017 is now available to download below!

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